Bloom’s Taxonomy

Named for Benjamin Bloom (an educational psychologist), Bloom's Taxonomy are three sets of hierarchical models used to create educational learning objectives in three domains: the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. The cognitive domain is the most well-known, containing the levels remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create.

The cognitive domain consists of the following levels: remember (recognizing or remember basic facts, ideas, or concepts), understand (explaining and summarizing facts, ideas, and concepts), apply (using knowledge to solve similar problems in new situations), analyze (breaking down information into parts and comparing those parts to make inferences or conclusions), evaluate (making judgements about the information given based on a certain criteria), and create (breaking information into parts and putting those parts together to form new ideas or meaning).

The affective domain of Bloom's Taxonomy consists of levels that describe how people react emotionally to a learning experience. From the lowest to the highest level, these are receiving (a student passively paying attention), responding (the student actively responding to the learning experience), valuing (the student attaching value to acquired knowledge), organizing (the student arranging the value, information, and ideas according to their own prior knowledge), and characterizing (the student builds abstract knowledge).The psychomotor domain describes skill levels associated with the ability to physically manipulate a tool. It consists of the following levels: perception (using sensory cues to guide motor activity), set (readiness to act, physically, mentally, and emotionally), guided response (using trial and error to learn a complex skill), mechanism (performing movements with some confidence and proficiency, often out of habit), complex overt response (performing motor acts quickly, accurately, and often, automatically), adaptation (modifying movement patterns to fit special requirements), and origination (creating new movement patterns to solve specific problems).

October 10, 2022
November 24, 2022
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