Big Changes at Useful Stuff!

Hello Friends,

It’s been a minute! If you’re receiving this, you signed up to get updates from Useful Stuff. I promised only to email you when something important happened – and I’ve got a couple big updates to share.

It’s been almost two years since the last newsletter, and a lot has changed. The subscriber list has doubled (welcome, new folks!), and I’m excited to reconnect. If you want to catch up on past issues, you can find them ​here​.

First, I’m excited to share that Useful Stuff is now a full-fledged L&D consultancy. We help organizations with everything learning and development, from creating effective programs to offering strategic guidance. We’re open to new clients and collaborators, so if you need support in the L&D space, ​let’s talk!​

But that’s not all…

I’m also thrilled to introduce the Useful L&D Community! I’ve been listening to a lot of conversations in the industry and wanted to create a space where real, meaningful discussions can happen – without the fluff. This community is all about connecting, collaborating, and making L&D better together.

We’ve got both free and premium membership options. Premium members get access to exclusive content and live events. We just launched last week, and we've got over 100 global members already!! ​Join us here​ to get involved!

Moving forward, you can expect to hear from me more frequently (but not too much).

Let's go do good work together!


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